Nolan Rappaport’s Immigration Op-eds



1.     Pre-Registration: A Proposal to Kick-Start Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Mar. 5, 2007),,0314-rappaport.shtm

2.     Implementing Immigration Reform in the Age of Belt Tightening (Feb. 15, 2009); at p. 23

3.     Catch 22 (July 12, 2010),,0712-Rappaport.shtm 

4.     More Ways to Move Forward on Immigration (Nov. 16, 2010),,1116-rappaport.shtm

5.     Immigration Positions of President Barack Obama and the Republican Presidential Hopefuls (Dec. 5, 2011),,1205-Rappaport.shtm

6.     Oversight Hearing on: "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement: Priorities and the Rule of Law (Dec. 7, 2011),,1207-Rappaport.shtm

7.     Analysis of Hearing Before the House Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement on, "Visa Waiver Program Oversight: Risks and Benefits of the Program (Dec. 20, 2011),,1220-Rappaport.shtm 

8.     Analysis of the Texas Border Coalition's Report, Without Strategy: America's Border Security Blunders Facilitate and Empower Mexico's Drug Cartels (Jan. 26, 2012),,0126-Rappaport.shtm

9.     Analysis of a Hearing Before the House Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement on, "Regional Perspectives on Agricultural Guest Worker Programs (Feb. 28, 2012),,0228-rappaport.shtm

10.  Contentious Development of the Passenger Name Records Agreement Between the United States and The European Union (May 2, 2012),,0502-rappaport.shtm

11.  Analysis Of A Hearing Before The Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees And Border Security On, "Examining the Constitutionality And Prudence Of State And Local Governments Enforcing Immigration Law" (May 17, 2012),,0517-rappaport.shtm

12.  Canada's New Refugee System (July 27, 2012),,0727-Rappaport.shtm 

13.  Threats to Our Nation’s Borders (Dec. 3, 2012),  

14.  Are Terrorists Exploiting Refugee Programs? (Dec. 11, 2012),

 15.  Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program is encouraging Mexican farm workers to go to Canada instead of to the United States. (Jan. 16, 2013),

 16.  What is IRCA, and What Does It Have To Do with Comprehensive Immigration Reform? (Feb. 8, 2013),

 17.  Will House Republicans Accept the Senate Proposal for Immigration Reform? (Feb. 25, 2013),

 18.  Harvest of Shame Revisited (May 23, 2013),

 19.  Is DHS Enforcing Our Immigration Laws? (June 17, 2013),

 20.  What is SBInet? And what does it have to do with spending billions of dollars on border security? (July 25, 2013),

 21.  DACA – Lessons Learned (March 26, 2014),

 22.  What are other countries doing to secure their borders? (Apr. 10, 2014),

 23.  In 2012, foreign workers in the United States sent remittances to their home countries totaling more than $123,273,000,000 (Apr. 22, 2014),

 24.  It is time to try a different approach to comprehensive immigration reform (May 2, 2014),

 25.  Meet the Challenge of Unaccompanied Alien Children at the Southwest Border: Is there a better way? (July 10, 2014),

 26.  Immigration activists are pressing President Obama to halt deportations for as many undocumented immigrants as possible. This is a “be-careful-what-you-wish-for” situation.  (August 14, 2014),

 27.  Is the Visa Waiver Program as secure as it is supposed to be? (Sep. 10, 2014),

 28.  Why is Australia being criticized for the way it treats asylum seekers and unaccompanied alien children? (March 20, 2015),


29.  What happens to people who are forced to leave their homes to escape armed conflict or persecution and are not able to leave their countries to seek refuge? (May 6, 2015),


30.  Analysis of a hearing before the House Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security on, “The Outer Ring of Border Security: DHS’s International Security Programs” (June 26, 2015),


31.  Analysis of Immigration Subcommittee’s Sanctuary Cities Hearing (July 28, 2015),


32.  Immigration positions of Republican presidential hopefuls, with comments (August 13, 2015),


33.  Will electing one of the democratic presidential hopefuls move us closer to the passage of a comprehensive immigration reform bill? (September 8, 2015),


34.  The SBInet project produced a virtual fence only 53 miles long at a cost to the American taxpayers of one billion dollars. What can we expect from the project that replaced it, the Arizona Border Surveillance Technology Plan? (September 21, 2015),


35.  What is the United States accomplishing with its refugee program? (October 5, 2015),


36.  Republicans raise legitimate concerns about Syrian refugees, but the bill they have passed to address those concerns would just impose additional layers of bureaucracy on the refugee background investigation process. (November 24, 2015),


37.  Analysis of the hearing before the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, “Why is the Biometric Exit Tracking System Still Not in Place?” (January 25, 2016),


38.  Analysis of hearing before the Houses Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security on, “Another surge of illegal immigrants along the Southwestern Border: Is this the Obama Administration’s new normal?” (February 12, 2016),


39.  Has President Barack Obama sabotaged an attempt by Congress to keep terrorists from using the Visa Waiver Program to enter the United States? (February 29, 2016),



40.  President Obama’s use of executive discretion could have unintended consequences if Donald Trump becomes our next president, (March 7, 2016),,0307-Rappaport.pdf


41.  Should deportations be restricted to deportable aliens who have criminal records? (March 17, 2016),,0317-Rappaport.pdf


42.  The Political Correctness Movement has succeeded in imposing its will on the Library of Congress. (April 1, 2016),,0401-Rappaport.pdf


43.  If he is elected to the presidency, Donald Trump will have statutory authority to suspend the entry of all Muslim aliens (April 20, 3016),,0420-Rappaport.pdf


44.  Analysis of the April 28, 2016, hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on, “Criminal Aliens Released by the Department of Homeland Security." (May 20, 2016),


45.  Undocumented aliens who entered the United States before 1972, and have resided here continuously since then, may be eligible for lawful status under the little-known Registry legalization program (May 31, 2016),


46.  What is Donald Trump really saying about immigration reform? (June 15, 2016),    


47.  Should people who want comprehensive immigration reform vote for Hillary? (July 11, 2016),,0711-Rappaport%20.pdf


48.  Why did the United States put more than 70,000 Japanese American citizens into internment camps during World War II? (July 21, 2016),


49.  The refugee crisis is being blamed for the terrorist attacks in Europe (August 2, 2016),,0802-Rappaport.pdf


50.  Is Australia abusing child asylum seekers? (August 15, 2016),

 51.  Republicans will continue to reject comprehensive immigration reform bills until these problems are resolved (August 27, 2016), and

 52.  Is Trump’s Ten-Point Immigration Plan a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? (August 31, 2016),  and

 53.  Hillary’s immigration enforcement policies could have unintended consequences. (September 5, 2016), and

54.  Hillary’s immigration policies will not lead to comprehensive immigration reform. (September 10, 2016), and

55.  Asylum claims of unaccompanied alien children contribute to backlog crisis in our immigration courts. (September 16, 2016),  

56.  Deportation Without Due Process? (September 20, 2016),  and

57.  Does anyone really know how many undocumented aliens there are? (Sep. 25, 2016), and

58.  Will Muslim Americans be put in internment camps if more 9/11 attacks occur? (October 1, 2016),

59.  The door is wide open for terrorists to use the Visa Waiver Program to come to the U.S. (October 5, 2016), and


60.  What do we know about Syrian refugees? (October 12, 2016), and


61.  Schumer is wrong; if Hillary Clinton is elected, immigration reform will be impossible. (October 18, 2016), and


62.  We aren’t doing enough to help Syrian refugees, but how much more can we do? (October 24, 2016), and


63.  Aliens entering the US as visitors and never leaving has become more of a problem than illegal entries across the Mexican border. (October 31, 2016),  and


64.   President Elect Donald Trump will not be able to deport millions of people. (November 10, 2016), and


65.  Will the filibuster save the Democrats from an onslaught of Republican legislation? (November 15, 2016), and


66.  Note to President Elect Trump, “Find out why the SBInet project failed before you build your wall.”  (November 20, 2016), and


67.  The key to successful immigration enforcement may be to let the Labor Department  handle it. (November 23, 2016), and


68.  Will Trump be able to use information from DACA applications in removal proceedings?    (November 28, 2016), and   


69.  What immigration enforcement measures is the Senate planning to legislate in 2017? (December 3, 2016), and


70.  To control immigration, Trump needs to think outside the wall (December 12, 2016),


71.  Give DREAMers a break, hardliners a bone with GOP immigration bill (December 20, 2016),


72.  With Obama's immigration legacy, Trump inherits 'home free magnet' (December 28, 2016),


73.  Sanctuary cities have a new, cheaper way to help undocumented (January 5, 2017),


74.  Our immigration court crisis will be Trump’s lasting headache (January 13, 2017),


75.  GOP's 'sanctuary city' crackdown bill takes meat-cleaver approach (January 23, 2017),


76.  On immigration, Trump will learn promises are easier made than kept (January 28, 2017),


77.  Trump's immigration ban executive order is clumsy, but perfectly legal (January 30, 2017),


78.  Trump’s seven-country entry suspension is not a Muslim ban wrapped in a paper-thin national security rationale. (February 1, 2017),  


79.   Trump’s Seven-country Travel Ban Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg (February 6, 2017),


80.  Exactly how much immigration authority does Trump have? Well... (February 8, 2017),


81.  If immigration ban goes to Supreme Court, Trump is shoo-in to win (February 13, 2017),


82.  Trump's next immigration challenge may be beyond the northern border (February 20, 2017),


83.  What Trump's 'expedited removal' really means for immigrants in US (February 24, 2017),


84.  On immigrant crime, Trump's right. Americans deserve more data (March 1, 2017),  wrong-about-immigrant-crime-but-gets-1-thing


85.  Trump's travel ban legally sound, defensible all the way to SCOTUS (March 7, 2017),


86.  Hawaii's case against Trump's travel ban, debunked (March 14, 2017),


87.  Federal courts flout precedent in blocking Trump's travel ban (March 20, 2017),


88.  Maryland immigrant rape case shows US failure to track alien youth (March 27, 2017),


89.  Sanctuary cities 'harboring' aliens: Trump's next immigration target? (April 3, 2017),


90.  Congress needs a do-over on fraud-laden 'Immigrant Investor' program (April 11, 2017),


91.  Noncriminal immigrants facing Trump's deportation force need legalization, not lawyers (April 18, 2017),


92.  'Politically correct' NY Times hides horror of female genital mutilation (April 26, 2017),


93.  On illegal immigration, Trump ends Obama's 'home free magnet' (May 5, 2017), - bottom-story-socials


94.  Texas bans sanctuary cities but Trump may be a step ahead (May 10, 2017),


95.  The days of abdicating our duty to enforce immigration laws are over (May 15, 2017),


96.  Republicans are preparing extreme immigration measures (May 22, 2017),


97.  Trump may face a constitutional crisis over Fourth Circuit’s Travel Ban decision (May 29, 2017),


98.  Senate bill is a threat to sanctuary cities (June 13, 2017),


99.  Trudeau tweets not the answer to Canada's refugee issues (June 20, 2017),


100.   Ninth Circuit gives green light for much larger travel ban (June 24, 2017),


101.  Travel ban issue will be moot before SCOTUS date — here's why

(June 28, 2017),


102.        Supreme Court will not consider evidence of religious discrimination in its travel ban decision. (July 1, 2017),


103.   Trump can leave his mark by decimating human trafficking (July 8, 2017),


104. California 'sanctuary state' bill is illegal, but also ineffective (July 15, 2017),


105. Is Trump withdrawing Lady Liberty’s invitation to the poor, huddled masses     yearning to be free?  (July 21, 2017),


106.   Democrats peddling 'false hope' act to immigrants (August 6, 2017),


107. How Trump's legal immigration cuts could be a blessing to DREAMers

   (August 13, 2017),


       108. Congress unlikely to pay for border wall, but Trump has other options (August 21, 2017),


109. Trump, strike a deal: Trade border wall funding for DACA protections.               (August 28, 2017),


110. Federal court's pro-sanctuary cities decision can cripple enforcement

        (September 4, 2017),


111. Trump ended DACA in the most humane way possible (September 7, 2017),


        112. With 'Dreamers' out, bring aliens under temporary status in (September 14,  



113. If Democrats insist on chain migration, they'll kill the DREAM Act 

(September 24, 2017),


114. Homeland Security searching some social media doesn't violate privacy

        (October 2, 2017),


115. California sanctuary law, SB 54, violates civil and criminal immigration provisions (October 8, 2017),


116. Democrats, take Trump's DACA deal to save some from deportation

          (October 9, 2017),


117. Trump's fast-tracked deportations may be only solution to backlog (October 19, 2017),


118. Canada wakes up to immigration reality after 'refugees welcome' dream (October 26, 2017),


119. We don't need a terrorist attack to know diversity program has to go (November 3, 2017),


120. To tackle illegal immigration, go after the employers (November 6, 2017),


121. Our immigration courts are drowning, expedited removal can bring relief (November 13, 2017),


122. Asylum-seeking children need alternative to dangerous border crossing (November 21, 2017),


123. Haiti’s temporary protected status never intended to be permanent (November 28, 2017),


124. With travel ban, SCOTUS can correct for lower courts' anti-Trump bias (December 6, 2017),


125. Like it or hate it, Trump’s immigration enforcement is failing (December 14, 2017),


126. Expedited removal can ease burden of immigrant detention facilities (December 23, 2017),


127. Iowa better off holding fire on anti-sanctuary city law — for now (December 28, 2017),


128. Without a Trump-Democrat trade, the DREAM Act is just a dream (January 2, 2018).


           129. Democrats out of order on DREAM Act (January 8, 2018),



           130. Don’t bother with GOP DACA bill – Trump already has a winning plan (January 12, 2018),


            131. 'Gang of Six' DACA bill is an exploitative political statement (January 17, 2018),



            132. The difference between 'DACA' and 'Dreamers': A primer (January 23, 2018)



            133. If Dreamers get a deal, it will be because of Trump, not Schumer (January 30, 2018),



            134. Female genital mutilation is a crime in the US — so why is it rarely prosecuted? (February 9, 2018),



            135. Make the compromise: Ending chain migration is a small price to legalize Dreamers (February 20, 2018),



            136. The migrant crisis is still a growing burden for Europe (February 26, 2018),



            137.  Even without Trump's lawsuit, California may have to abandon sanctuary policies (March 9, 2018),



            138.  Goodlatte's immigration reform bill has room for compromise (March 18, 2018),



            139.  Trump, Dems can solve the DACA problem by redefining it (March 26, 2018),



             140.  Immigration judge quotas will not eliminate the backlog crisis (April 4, 2018),



              141. By sending National Guard to border, Trump follows Bush, Obama (April 8, 2018),



             142. Border security weaknesses more serious than so-called caravan (April 16, 2018),



             143. When immigration judges get political, justice suffers (April 26, 2018),



            144.  Harboring undocumented aliens is still a crime — expect Sessions to prosecute it (May 14, 2018),


            145.  Enforcing Trump's immigration plan will be harder than he thinks (May 20, 2018),



             146. The people really benefiting from California’s sanctuary laws (May 28, 2018),



             147. Undocumented immigrants shouldn't replace legal ones (June 5, 2018),



             148. Domestic abuse decision doesn't change asylum law, just applies it correctly (June 15, 2018),


             149. An alternative to Trump's family separation policy (June 23, 2018), 



             150. Trump, Congress have options on the table to prevent family separation (June 26, 2018),


            151. There's a better response to abuse than abolishing ICE (July 6, 2018),


             152. Can Trump refuse asylum to aliens who make illegal entries? (July 12, 2018), 



             153. Trump was right to ditch UN’s plan for handling migrants (July 20, 2018),



             154. Aliens need legalization, not protection from being called ‘illegal’ (July 29, 2018),



             155. Even with no new arrests, it would take four years to eliminate immigration court backlog (August 6, 2018),


             156. ACLU’s lawsuit may force Trump to stop granting asylum applications (August 13, 2018),


             157. Reduce undocumented population by targeting aliens overstaying Visa Waiver Program (August 22, 2018),


             158. Will Trump’s biometric entry-exit system be as controversial as his travel ban?  (September 2, 2018),


             159. Trump moves to detain immigrant children with their parents (September 14, 2018), 



            160.  Does a mandatory detention provision prohibit the release of alien families in expedited removal proceedings? (October 4, 2018),


            161. Will Sessions use indefinite mandatory detention to reduce the demand for asylum hearings? (October 13, 2018),


             162. Caravan will prove to the world that the United States has an open border (October 24, 2018),


             163. Trump can refuse to accept asylum applications (October 28, 2018), 



             164. Most countries agree with Trump about birthright citizenship (November 8, 2018),



             165. Trump should withdraw his asylum proclamation (November 12, 2018),



             166. Bill Clinton’s attempts to secure the border caused a humanitarian crisis (November    23, 2018),


             167. Despite restraining order, Trump’s proclamation still bars entry of asylum seekers who cross illegally (November 27, 2018),


             168. Most recent court order on immigration will have serious unintended consequences (December 4, 2018),


             169. Trump is not a 'skunk' — but we need more than just a wall (December 13, 2018), 



             170. ICE report contradicts notion that Trump is using immigration law to ‘keep America white’ (December 21, 2018),


             171. Pelosi could get ‘tinkle all over' her if she blocks funding for Trump’s border wall (December 31, 2018),


             172. Wall can't be the only answer: Uncontrolled, illegal immigration isn’t just at the Southern border (January 8, 2019),


             173. There is a border crisis — it's just not quite what the president said it is (January 11, 2019),


             174. Trump offers to limit his border wall to strategic locations (January 20, 2019),



             175. US facilitating forced marriage of children: Immigration loophole invoked hundreds of times each year (January 29, 2019),


            176. Intelligence community views migration from Central America as threat to national security (February 4, 2019),


             177. National emergency declaration — a legal fight Trump is likely to win (February 16, 2019),


             178. Is rigid partisanship the real reason for rejecting Trump's border crisis claim? (March 1, 2019),


             179. Pelosi has won — and she's now the only one able to secure the border (March 18, 2019),


             180. Will Democrats be held accountable for diverting attention from border crisis when there was time to fix it? (March 27, 2019),


             181. Trump has better options to stop the dangerous flood of asylum-seeking migrants (April 1, 2019),


             182. Bizarro world: Pelosi angry over Trump plan to send illegal crossers to sanctuary cities (April 13, 2019),


             183. Trump's impeachment fate would depend on 18 Republican senators (April 28, 2019),


             184. What do the Democrats mean when they say they want border security? (May 14, 2019),


             185. Trump needs to be bold to achieve objectives of his immigration plan (May 28, 2019),


             186. The Democrats are preventing Trump from securing the border (June 4, 2019), 



             187. Illegal immigration, by the numbers: Visa violators and border crossers (June 9, 2019),


             188. Immigration by the numbers: DHS has no idea how many people are entering illegally (June 16, 2019),


             189. Why Trump's deal with Mexico is doomed: Jungles, judges and Democrats (June 23, 2019),


             190. Democrats calling for decriminalization of illegal entry abandoning national sovereignty (July 9, 2019),


             191. Ending asylum protection won't do anything to stop illegal border crossings (July 15, 2019),


             192. Immigrant advocacy groups shouldn't be opposing Trump's raids

                     (July 17, 2019),


             193. Trump is following Bill Clinton's lead on removing undocumented aliens (July 24, 2019),


             194. Is the US accomplishing enough with its refugee and asylum programs? (August 6, 2019),


             195. Objections to Trump's new immigration rule wildly exaggerated (August 18, 2019), 



              196. A 'nation of laws'? With immigration, only when it's convenient for Democrats (August 27, 2019),


             197. Trump's 'death sentence' for immigrant who followed the law merits private bill (September 5, 2019),


             198. Democrats have to choose between saving children's lives and hurting Trump politically (September 16, 2019),


             199. Immigration courts irredeemably dysfunctional and on the brink of collapse (September 23, 2019),


             200. Cooperate, or else: New York threatens fines to force people to help block immigration enforcement (October 6, 2019),


             201. Trump's eye-opening scorecard on border security (October 21, 2019),


             202. Aliens subject to Trump's latest proclamation should beware — despite court order (November 4, 2019),


             203. Outrage over Trump imposing fees for asylum applications is misplaced (November 17, 2019),


              204.Trump's latest gambit: Send asylum seekers to 'Safe Third Countries' that are less than safe (November 24, 2019),


             205. Trump keeps Obama immigration program, and Democrats blast him (December 8, 2019),


             206. What does a non-race-based immigration program look like? Look to the UK and Australia (December 22, 2019),


             207. Removal of DACA recipients has begun: It didn't take a crystal ball to see DACA would not end well (December 29, 2019),


             208. Transgender detainees need protection; a letter from lawmakers doesn't provide it (January 15, 2020),


             209. How far will New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio go to protect undocumented aliens? (January 22, 2020), - .XihrsJQeot0.facebook


             210. No experience required: US hiring immigration judges who don't have any immigration law experience (February 3, 2020),


             211. House Democrats' immigration bill would use tax dollars to import crime to America (February 13, 2020),


             212. Locust swarms, crop failures and starving people likely to test limits of asylum law (February 25, 2020),


             213. A rarely used fine could limit the spread of the coronavirus to the United States (February 29, 2020),


             214. Will empathy for immigrants survive COVID-19? (March 10, 2020),


             215. Could we see 'internment camps' for undocumented aliens in the US? (March 17, 2020),


             216. Undocumented aliens should stay away as COVID-19 rages in the US (March 25, 2020),


             217. Can the Trump administration prevent asylum-seeking aliens from entering the US during COVID-19? (April 15, 2020),


             218. A program can be established to offer refuge to asylum seekers being turned away from our border (April 21, 2020),


             219. Will Trump's immigration proclamation ensure Americans get their jobs back after the pandemic? (April 27, 2020),


             220. Immigration proposal for pandemic doctors does not require them to treat COVID-19 patients (May 7, 2020),


             221. Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for federal COVID care, but a larger issue looms (May 21, 2020),


             222. New York willing to send police to prison to keep illegal aliens (June 1, 2020)


             223. Is the Executive Office for Immigration Review incompetent — or is Trump hiding something? (June 9, 2020),


              224. Proposed changes to asylum regs could address biggest immigration problem: the court backlog (June 22, 2020),


             225. Trump demonstrates compassion for immigrant children (June 29, 2020),


             226. Trump may be DACA participants' best hope, but will Democrats play ball? (July 7, 20020),


             227. Universities have a case against Trump's student visa decision — but they won't like the outcome (July 14, 2020),


             228. Foreign students still in danger of losing visas, despite settlement (July 16, 2020),


             229. Arguments over whether to count illegal aliens in Congressional apportionment may be moot (July 26, 2020),


             230. Biden's immigration plan has serious problems (August 6, 2020),


            231. The prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency gives me pause (August 17, 2020),


             232. No documents? Hoping for legalization? Be wary of Joe Biden (August 27, 2020),




             233. Immigration problems our president will face in 2021 (September 6, 2020),


             234. Five immigration questions for the presidential debates (September 15, 2020),



             235. Democrats’ troubling adventure in a ‘Wonderland’ without ‘rule of law’   (September 23, 2020),  


             236. A Justice Barrett would keep Biden's worst ideas in check (October 1, 2020),



             237. Why prevailing wage reform matters for H-1B visas (October 12, 2020),            


             238. Crime committed by undocumented aliens is a real issue (October 19, 2020),


             239. Immigration issues the candidates haven't addressed (October 26, 2020),


            240. The systemic problems with our immigration courts are dire (November 1, 2020),


             241. Biden should think twice before he rescinds the Trump travel ban (November 12, 2020),


             242. How many of our immigration judges are amateurs at immigration law? (November 23, 2020),


             243. Biden's choice for Homeland Security secretary spells trouble (December 9, 2020),


             244. What Trump's new 'death to asylum' rule actually says (December 14, 2020),


             245. The UK is struggling to manage illegal immigration too (December 27, 2020),


             246. Could we learn from how Canada manages its foreign workers? (January 4, 2021),


             247. Biden walking back immigration promises for a reason (January 12, 2021),


             248.  With another caravan heading North, a closer look at our asylum law (January 25, 2021),


             249. People who get vaccinated may still spread the virus — and other things to know about COVID-19 (January 31, 2021),


             250. Using courts to stop immigration measures: Pandora's box is open (February 3, 2021),           


             251. 'Catch and release' is back — with added problems (February 10, 2021),


             252. Biden's immigration bill could wreck his majority, but Democrats have opportunity to do the right thing (February 22, 2021),


             253. Biden's immigration bill has problems — lots of them (March 3, 2021),


             254. Biden should improve on Obama's effort to protect unaccompanied children (March 14, 2021),


             255. Are Democrats really serious about passing a DREAM Act in 2021? (March 22, 2021),


             256. UK considering 'extreme' measures to deal with asylum seekers; pay attention — Biden may follow suit (March 29, 2021),


             257. Why did Biden put Harris in charge of the border crisis? (April 5, 2021),


             258. Biden is thinking about building that wall — and that's a good thing (April 11, 2021),


             259. A novel border argument: Immigration policy requires an environmental impact statement (April 18, 2021),


             260. Migrant children suffering the unintended consequences of Biden policy (April 26, 2021),


             261. Biden letting criminal aliens be released instead of deported; states sue (May 4, 2021),


262.  There will be no new immigration law under Biden, unless he changes course (May         10, 2021),  immigration-law-under-biden-unless-he-changes-course


263    Border surge includes people from countries other than Central America, highlighting terror threat (May 18, 2021),


264.  What happens to the children Biden welcomes into the country? (May 26, 2021),


265.    Bipartisan 'family visitor visa' — unneeded and unwise (June 1, 2021),


266.   Biden's immigration changes result in more aliens in the US 'waiting' for slower courts (June 7, 2021),


267.    Biden failed to reconcile border policy with the science: Hundreds of thousands cross unvaccinated (June 14, 2021),


268.   Biden's program for migrant children doesn't go far enough (June 21, 2021),


269.    Border crisis deepens as governors assert control (June 27, 2021),


270.    Most Americans think surge of illegal border crossings is a crisis (July 3, 2021),


271.    Facial recognition technology in immigration: Biden, biometrics and congressional mandate (July 15, 2021),


272.    Beginning of the end for DACA; federal judge says 'Stop' (July 19, 2021),


273.    Migrant children at military bases: What is Biden doing? (July 26, 2020),


274.    Biden's plan for immigration is as porous as the border (August 1, 2021),


275.    Biden's Title 42 COVID order at the border is the right call (August 10, 2021),


276.    Return to Trump: Federal judge orders Biden to return border policy to way it was (August 17, 2021),


277.    Federal courts have dismantled Biden's immigration plan (August 24, 2021),


278.    A serious immigration problem you probably haven't heard about (August 30, 2021),


279.    What Mexico could do to help with crisis at Southern border (September 8, 2021),


280.    A better way to reduce the backlog of asylum applications (September 20, 2021),


281.    Biden legally could let Haitian migrants in — and let them work — but should he? (September 24, 2021),


282.   'Registry' is a reasonable work-around to legalize undocumented aliens who've lived here many years (September 28, 2021),


283.    Biden isn't doing as well as Trump at removing aliens who pose a threat to public safety (October 7, 2021),


284.    Biden's 'dedicated docket' a re-tread of old policies that didn't work (October 14, 2021),


285.    Ending worksite raids is a show; focus should be on employer compliance (October 20, 2021),


286.    Anatomy of Biden's catch and release catastrophe (October 28, 2021),


287.    Supreme Court stepping into fight over 'welfare' immigrants (November 7, 2021),


288.    Situation at the southern border worse that you probably realize (November 15, 2021),


289.    Latest USCIS Policy Change adds to confusion for employers and applicants, By Prakash Khatri and Nolan Rappaport, News India Time (November 19, 2021),


290.    Immigration provision in Democrats' reconciliation bill makes no sense (November 25, 2021),


291.    Manchin knows the legalization program must be removed from the reconciliation bill (December 1, 2021),


292.    Biden supporters don't like 'Trump-lite' — they'd like the alternative even less (December 5, 2021),


293.    Maryland anti-detention law no favor to immigrants (December 13, 2021),


294.    Asylum isn't the solution for Haitians' plight (December 23, 2021), 



295.    Has Biden kept his immigration promises? (December 27, 2021),


296.    'Remain in Mexico': Biden should be more cautious what he asks for (January 4, 2022),



297.    Dangers of human smuggling and Biden's border policy (January 12, 2022),


298.    DACA highlights pitfalls of legalization schemes (January 19, 2022), 



299.    Biden goes 'all in' on a bad bet before a conservative Supreme Court (January 26, 2022), 



300.    Asylum seekers need legal help, not generic 'orientation' (February 1, 2022), 



301.    Should we still be expelling migrants under Title 42? (February 14, 2022),



302.    Salazar's 'Dignity Act' a good start, but security must precede legalization (February 21, 2022),


303.    Appeals court says asylum seekers may be deported (March 7, 2022),


304.    ‘Shadow Wolves’ show bipartisan agreement on immigration possible (March 21, 2022),



305.    Immigration highlights the problem of when presidents act like kings (March 29, 2022),



306.    Is Biden administration ready for next onslaught of migrants? (April 3, 2022),


307.    Senators say they’re interested in bipartisan immigration plan; here are some suggestions (April 12, 2022),


308.    Confusion and lack of conviction plague Biden’s immigration policies (April 21, 20220),


309.    Can Biden get away with not enforcing the immigration law? (April 28, 2022), 



310.    States’ lawsuit connects the dots on Biden’s ‘open border’ policy (May 10, 2022),



311.    Immigration courts are overrun with cases, and it’s only getting worse (May 18, 2022),



312.    The real reason a judge stopped the Biden administration from ending Title 42 expulsions (May 25, 2022),


313.    Even the National Guard won’t be enough to solve border crisis when Title 42 ends (June 6, 2022),


314.    Federal judge in Texas shot down Biden’s immigration rule, but didn’t order him to follow the law (June 14, 2022),


315.    Democrats’ latest DREAM Act should be called ‘False Hope Act’ (June 20, 2022),


316.    Biden’s ‘Summit of the Americas’ commitments on immigration more show than substance (June 28, 2022),


317.    13 million cases and counting: Immigration backlog result of rewarding inefficiency (July 7, 2022),


318.    Child endangerment: Florida preparing to charge parents who pay smugglers to bring kids to US (July 17, 2022),


319.    Supreme Court critics really need to read the opinions (July 28, 2022),


320.    Why isn’t Biden removing more criminal migrants? (August 9, 2022),


321.    Afghans who helped us deserve better immigration treatment (August 17, 2022),



322.    Is the border crisis an ‘invasion’? (August 25, 2022),


323.    Biden administration steps in it again with Afghans who helped US (September 6, 2022),


324.    Inspector general flags vetting problems with Afghan evacuees; he should look at southern border (September 14, 2022),


325.    ‘Crisis’ on Martha’s Vineyard doesn’t hold a candle to what’s coming (September 21, 2022),


326.    What no one wants to talk about in the border crisis: unaccompanied children (October 7, 2022),


327.    Biden policy on Venezuelan border crossers costly and ineffective (October 18, 2022),



328.    5 unintended consequences of Biden’s immigration policies (October 25, 2022), 



329.    Crafting an immigration bill that could pass in Congress (November 8, 2022),



330.    A Bipartisan Bill Can Stop the Tsunami of Illegal Border Crossings (December 7, 2022),



331.    Biden’s border crisis: Title 42 is a distraction, not the solution (December 20, 2022),


332.    Biden's border crisis: Our immigration courts have a 2,023,441 case backlog and it's more than we can handle (January 2, 2023),


333.    Biden’s new border security plan won’t work. Here's what will (January 8, 2023),


334.    Republicans have to decide if they’re serious about border security (February 9, 2023),


335.    Who is right on border crisis, Biden or Republicans? (February 9, 2023),


336.    Border Patrol employing therapy dogs to reduce agent suicides (March 6, 2023),



337.    America’s border crisis, Biden’s immigration policy, and the courts (March 19, 2023),


338.    Biden administration says US asylum system is broken: Here’s how to fix it (April 6, 2023),


339.    At least 193 suspected of being involved in terrorism have crossed the Southern border (April 20, 2023),


340.    Biden’s plan to address migrant surge may make it worse (May 1, 2023),


341.    Soldiers will not prevent a border crisis (May 11, 2023),



342.    Three Things Biden Can Do Tomorrow to Stop Illegal Border Crossings (May 15, 2023),



343.    How the University of California is encouraging illegal immigration (May 25, 2023),



344.    Why birthright citizenship may not apply to children of undocumented immigrants (June 5, 2023),


345.    An immigration reform deal that could actually pass (June 15, 2023),



346.    If the Supreme Court won’t force Biden to enforce immigration law, no one will (June 28, 2023),

347.      How Alejandro Mayorkas is shielding almost a million deportable immigrants from removal (July 7, 2023), secretary-of-homeland-security-is-shielding-almost-a-million-deportable-immigrants- from-removal/president-not-a-king-when-it-comes-to-enforcing-border-law/

348.    Does Biden know he is a president, not a king, when it comes to enforcing border law? (July 18, 2023),

349.   Why is the Biden administration destroying our asylum system? (August 1, 2023),

350.   Why are we encouraging Central American parents to send their children here with smugglers? (August 15, 2023),


351.  Are Biden’s immigration policies allowing dangerous diseases into our country? (August   28, 2023),

352.  Biden doesn’t have a long-term plan for migrant surges at the Southwest border (September 8, 2023),

353.  Biden’s ‘catch and release’ system for illegal border crossers is a failure (September 18, 2023),

354.   Why did Mayorkas expand temporary protected status to 714,700 Venezuelans? (October 6, 2023), protections-to-714700-venezuelans/

355.   Biden’s new border wall has a big, wide-open door. Don’t be fooled (October 9, 2023),

356.    Biden 2.0: The US could double its undocumented immigrant population (November 6, 2023),

357.   Why the GOP’s immigration plan won’t do anything to stem the tide of illegal border     crossers (November 17, 2023),

358.    The massive burden of Biden’s undocumented immigrants (Dec. 1, 2023),

359.    Our immigration courts are in crisis — and it’s making it impossible to secure our borders (December 15. 2023),

360.    If the federal government refuses to secure the border, can the states do it? (January 3, 2024),

361.    Under Biden, are illegal immigrants safe from deportation once they get past the border? (January 16, 2024),

362.    Did Biden intentionally cause the border crisis? (January 29, 2024),

363.    Breaking down the Senate border bill — and why it had no chance of passing (February 8, 2024),

364.    Why is Biden letting in millions of border crossers illegally? (February 20. 2024),

365.    Don’t buy into the border bill, no matter how hard Biden tries to sell it (March 6,2024),

366.    If Biden wants a border bill, he’ll need to actually compromise with Republicans (March 11,2024),

367.    Biden isn’t meeting America’s immigration needs with his ‘lawful pathways,’ (March 20,2024),

368.    Do constitutional restrictions apply to Texas but not to Biden? (March 29, 2024),

369.    Incurable and unconscionable: How immigrants are contracting deadly lung disease making kitchen countertops (April 12, 2024),

370.    Our immigration crisis just keeps getting worse — and Biden’s the one to blame (April 29, 2024),

371.    How Trump will stop the invasion at our southern border (May 10, 2024), 

372.    Biden’s new asylum ruling is a big flashing ‘Welcome’ sign for undocumented immigrants (May 21, 2024),

373.    Biden caused the border crisis — his immigration proclamation won’t fix it (June 4, 2024),

374.    Biden’s new ‘parole in place’ program could be too good to be true (June 26, 2024),

375.    Is there a limit to the number of immigrants Biden will allow into the US? (July 10, 2024),

376.    Here’s how the 2024 Republican platform would address the crisis at the border (July 23, 2024),


